THINKing [think or not to think]... for the 6 - 10 year olds.
William - at grandma's attic - asks a lot of questions:
Grandma, why do you think we are living? Are we living, because our parents met? Because they kissed? And what if they had never met? Were we never born then?
........ or are we living, because other people must not be alone? But.... is it so that we just live for other people, and not for our own sake? And are people, who are all alone, not even living then?
And grandma is driven crazy from by that think-talk:
I don't think about that crazy-rubbish. End of all the questions, please!
Children ask a lot of questions about life - all sorts of essential questions. Should one try to answer them all, or is it enough in itself to ask the questions?
THINKing is a philosophic performance for the 7-10 year olds about the importance of individual thinking and asking questions about life - even when there is no answer... Inspired by books of the French children's philosopher Oscar Brenifiers, hvid støj brings along the young audience on the roads of thoughts...
hvid støj wants to combine the power of the story with a strong visualizing. THINKing offers a simple, insisting and humorous stop-motion-animation-film-univers... divided into nine split computer screens. And with a quite distinct and very own life, the animation films provides to a great extent the audience with something to think about!